
prolonged engagement in qualitative research

Effects of open textbook adoption on teachers' open practices, Observing a kindergarten classroom through a one-way mirror, Explaining teenagers' moral reasoning in their own words, Utilizing a standardized test to determine intelligence, Analyzing usage data for a web-based learning app. Public Health Nurs. << A disinterested peer might include anyone who is willing to ask probing questions and who is not a participant or researcher in the setting where the study is being conducted. Its far too late to solve a problem with alignment after you start collecting data! you are free to do with it as you please as long as you properly The researcher should be as unobtrusive as possible so participants are acting essentially as they would if the researcher were simply another participant in the setting and not also conducting inquiry. Prolonged engagement at a site is "to test . We can easily see how methods that create consistency of results, regardless of which researcher conducts the study, certainly reflects rigor. Persistent observation: This refers to in-depth pursuit of those elements found to be especially salient through prolonged engagement (Lincoln & Guba, 1986, p. 77). ANS Adv Nurs Sci. As the name implies, transferability measures whether, or to what extent, the studys results are applicable within other contexts, circumstances and settings. Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research projects. /Filter /FlateDecode This helps other researchers evaluate whether the results are applicable for other situations. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Robinson, O. C. (2014). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil.