
database ia chemistry

IB Survival LLC. Although the journal focuses on the original research articles, it also welcomes reviews and short notes. My chemistry teacher hasn't really explained how to do our IA and I'm running out of time. We provide the following chemistry databases: CSD - a Cambridge Structural Database system and related Mercury, ConQuest, SuperStar, IsoStar, and Mogul programs; RTAM - a bibliographic database of relativistic calculations on atoms and molecules; Free databases on the web. Investigating the bleaching of various food colourings to determine the rate constant. You could then work out the percentage yield of the experiment by comparing your experimental yield to the theoretical yield. You could investigate the factors that affect the thickness of the metal layer produced, for example the voltage, electrolyte concentration, the charge on the metal ion in solution or the length of time that the current runs for. Databases. 2. 4. Phosphorus is needed by plants in order to produce amino acids and hence proteins. I might just be wrong about how I'm actually supposed to use a database. It is mostly about how you treat your topic and how you present it. You can use it to show your students how to write their IA report based upon secondary data so that it fulfils all the assessment criteria. Investigating the relationship between metal ion charge density and thermal stability using thermal decomposition experiments. Does catalase or potassium iodide lower the activation energy most in the famous elephants toothpaste reaction? The assessment criteria are set out clearly in the guide but the interpretation of how to apply them is based upon what is written in several pages of the subject reports and the instructions that are given to moderators. Here are two examples of database labs in chemistry. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 39. This is a list of 50 IB Chemistry IA Ideas, intended solely as a starting point or source of inspiration for students stuck for ideas. One of the biggest challenges facing students taking IB chemistry is coming up with a good Internal Assessment (IA) idea. Investigate the effects of heterogeneous catalysis on the activation energy of a reaction. Does water temperature or pH most affect oxygen levels in lakes as measured using the Winkler method? There are also some freely available chemical databases on the web. The amount of phosphate present in soil samples can be determined using a. What I realised after I had written it up for publication in Foundations of Chemistry was that effectively I had completed an individual scientific investigation using secondary data. 17 (varies with grade boundaries) or above . Common Chemistry (CAS) -Lookup CAS Reg.Number via common chemical name and vice versa. Volatility can be quantified and measured (e.g. You could investigate how temperature affects the equilibrium constant between the two forms using polarimetry, as the shift in equilibrium will cause a change in the optical rotation called mutarotation. 36. Does thermal decomposition allow unknown salts to be identified? You do not need to show the detail view of any table. Ive also added James comments at the end of the report. To achieve the maximum score The evidence of personal engagement with the exploration is clear with significant independent thinking, initiative or creativity. The molecular formula of unknown hydrated salts can be calculated using thermal decomposition reactions. One of the major challenges students of International Baccalaureate is finding and selecting a topic for the essay and rightly so. 42. ( YouTube video) Related Guides for Databases SciFinder-n How does pH affect the colour of Sudan IV produced from a diazotisation reaction? How is the fluorescence wavelength of fluorophores present in tumeric affected by solvent polarity measured by spectroscopy? So far I've looked into medicinal chemistry and biochemistry and I want to do something related to the structure or drugs but do you think it would be easier if I switched to doing a database IA in organic chemistry (and look at solubility, melting pointetc)? 33. The length of time that vegetables are cooked for, and the method of cooking used has been reported to affect the vitamin C content, so this could be investigated further. Determining the optimum temperature for lipase activity, Using colorimetry to investigate inhibition of salivary amylase by metal ions with different charge density. 14. Studying the vanishing cross reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulfate using titration, Using the initial rates method to measure the activation energy for the clock reaction between iodide and peroxydisulfate ions, Investigating the relationship between brewing time and manganese ion content in tea using colorimetry. Virtual Labs Do different grades of brass contain different amounts of copper? And unlike biology, you don't have to memorize every single thing. The resulting IA examiner comments are also provided for each biology IA. Your previous content has been restored. Do rust removers containing oxalic acid work better if they are used hot? This can be investigated using an acid-base titration. Investigate the hardness of water from different local sources. IB Chemistry IA Topics That ROCK | 50+ Ideas for SL and HL. Investigate the rate of evaporation of a liquid with respect to its temperature. My second worry is that the whole of the IA assessment has become a ticky box exercise involving passing through hoops that bear little relevance to how chemistry is normally reported. To examine if oxalic acid or citric acid rust removers are more effective at higher temperatures using redox titration. 38. CareerBuilder TIP. What I then did was to spend about an hour rewriting my article to addressspecifically all the IB assessment criteria without adding or changing any of the actual chemistry. rawan1408, Using the half-life method and colorimetry to determine the activation energy for aspirin hydrolysis at different pH values, Determining the pKa value for ibuprofen from pH curves using the half-equivalence method. Will conclusion affect my point. Some natural pigments can be used as indicators as they change colour at certain pH values, for example the pigment curcumin found in turmeric. Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of rusting. Please do not just copy directly from this list! I've made this a free page so that any IB chemistry teacher can access it for educational purposes. IB Chemistry IA Ideas and Research Questions - October 19, 2018 at 2:11 pm - Reply [] Secondly, some . Reference to Course: Ecology Experimental Studying whether there is a relationship between the primary structure of amylases and pH buffers. 3. It is not a list of ready-made IAs for students to copy, so do not copy directly . Investigate the Ideal Gas Laws using a data logger. Gaining full marks for a databased IA 2014 DP Chemistry (Last exam Nov 2024) Practical scheme of work & IA Internal Assessment Gaining full marks for a databased IA I've made this a free page so that any IB chemistry teacher can access it for educational purposes. You could find a compound that you are particularly interested in and synthesise it in the laboratory. 27 days ago. NIST Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark Database. We respect your privacy. Looking for databases for chem IA [kinda urgent] I'm currently in a frenzy writing my SL chemistry IA that is technically due today. This was partly to offset worries that it is difficult to ensure complete academic honesty. 23. help/tips would be greatly helpful! Chemistry Carl is a highly-qualified tutor, teacher and examiner with an outstanding track record of helping students to succeed. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Tables are not explained, and data is not processed. 9. Can aspirin be prepared using microwave heating instead of a water bath? There is evidence of personal input and initiative in the designing, implementation or presentation of the investigation.. $131,178 Yearly. Place a thermometer in the mouth of the can with a piece of cotton wool to prevent heat loss. Privately organized database; information on chemical substances. You could investigate why and how the value for a particular bond enthalpy changes depending on the overall molecule in which it is found. Your link has been automatically embedded. Prepare and test of buffer solutions. His students consistently achieve top grades, and a high proportion every year progress to study medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine,. With the cancellation of the May 2020 exams instead of the IA component counting for only 20% of the final mark it effectively became the main basis upon which grades were awarded. By plotting a graph of 1/Temperature against the natural log of the rate constant (k), the gradient can be used to find this value. I'm looking for data on the properties of vinyl polymers. About us Clear editor. Databases in IB Bio You could compare the experimental value with the stated value, and look at different brands of iron tablet. Each of the following example will cover a basic experimental concept and then suggest some adaptions or different perspectives you could take. Investigate chemical equilibria (determine Kc for a reaction). Does cooking time affect how much oxalate is released from spinach? There is currently much unease and worry by both teachers and students about Individual Scientific Investigations that are based on secondary data. Or how does the type of intermolecular bonding present in a fuel affect the enthalpy of combustion? I was able to find extensive info on Wikipedia, but I doubt . ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 67 million structures from hundreds of data sources. Is the hydrolysis of aspirin in the stomach affected by the presence of metal ions? Chemistry IA (Database) IB Survival is now part of Lanterna Education Chemistry IA (Database) internal assignment By PB_19, December 13, 2017 in Chemistry Share Followers 0 Reply to this topic Start new topic PB_19 Members 0 2 posts Exams: May 2018 Posted December 13, 2017 (edited) Hey guys! avail highly experienced tutors for any given IB Subject. You can see the results of my investigation on a separate page on this website. 85% (130) 85% found this document useful (130 votes) 195K views. Is microscale chemistry a safe and convenient way to do reactions with halogens in a high school environment? Posted: January 03, 2023. 4. 31. 10 Examples of formatting data tables. My chemistry (SL) class has already begun the Internal Assesment and I've chosen to do a database IA. For more information, please see our VSEPR theory predicts the shape and bond angles of molecules based on the number of bonding and non-bonding pairs of electrons around the central atom. My only problem is that I'm having trouble turning my ideasinto reasonable research questions. Data collection can easily convey to your teacher/moderator how much care Ptable is an interactive table of elements that allows users to alter temperature, see reactions, and find the electrons, isotopes and compounds for all of the elements. So all in all a mediocre to poor report according to the IB assessment criteria. Find chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information, patents, literature citations and more. Using halide ion test to determine the activation energy for SN2 reactions of different halogenoalkanes with sodium hydroxide. Try to look out for topics that you can link to an aspect of your life or something youre particularly interested in to satisfy that personal engagement criteria. Youve reached that stage in your IB journey where you have to decide what to do for your Chemistry Internal Assessment (IA). Investigating the organometallic reaction between alkyl magnesium halides and propanone (Grignard chemistry), Investigating the effect of halide substituent on the yield of phenacetin, prepared from paracetamol by Williamson ether synthesis, Extracting Oil of Wintergreen and Menthol from Kwan Loong Oil using steam distillation. In contrast, dyes are either liquids or soluble, but can be converted to pigments by precipitation with a metallic salt. Which types of indigestion medicines are fastest at neutralising stomach acid? Could someone please explain how I can use a database for my Chemistry IA? *LINK TO MY BIOLOGY IA* Download. The pigments found in certain substances such as makeup products or coloured foods could also be investigated using paper or thin layer chromatography. For example, how does the bond enthalpy for the C-H bond vary as the length of the alkane increases? The journal also emphasizes mathematical articles devoted to the mathematical treatment of questions arising in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and all applied sciences. Which type of eggshells contain most calcium as measured using precipitation reactions?'s unmatched customer experience and strong market presence earned us a spot in the Leader quadrant in Retail Analytics and the High Performer quadrant in Demand Planning in G2's Winter 2023 Grid Report. Electroplating is an application of electrolysis which uses an electrical current to reduce metal cations in solution so that a thin layer of metal is deposited onto a metal object. IA Biology HL 6. Complete with an overview of key aspects of the IA, a rubric for criteria, and lots of Chemistry IA ideas, this guide offers practical advice and insights to help you achieve the best possible mark on your IB Chemistry Internal Assessment. Because I wrote the article, I cannot really assess it in a subjective or unbiased way but it seems to me that James' mark is spot on. You could look at different types/ sources of salt and compare your experimental values to the stated values. More. also sounds too simplistic to me as you can quite easily predict that relationship. Does cooking time affect rate of chlorophyll degradation? These concern developing experimental and investigative scientific skills including the use of current technologies and the . Investigate the effect of different sacrificial metals on the rusting of iron.

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